- spectral bandwidth of monochromator
- спектральна смуга пропускання
English-Ukrainian analytical chemistry dictionary. 2013.
English-Ukrainian analytical chemistry dictionary. 2013.
Monochromator — in a x ray beamline at the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory. A monochromator is an optical device that transmits a mechanically selectable narrow band of wavelengths of light or other radiation chosen from a wider range of… … Wikipedia
Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy — Beckman DU640 UV/Vis spectrophotometer. Ultraviolet visible spectroscopy or ultraviolet visible spectrophotometry (UV Vis or UV/Vis) refers to absorption spectroscopy or reflectance spectroscopy in the ultraviolet visible spectral region. This… … Wikipedia
Spectrophotometry — Spectrophotometer In chemistry, spectrophotometry is the quantitative measurement of the reflection or transmission properties of a material as a function of wavelength.[1] It is more specific than the general term electromagnetic spectroscopy in … Wikipedia
spectroscopy — spectroscopist /spek tros keuh pist/, n. /spek tros keuh pee, spek treuh skoh pee/, n. the science that deals with the use of the spectroscope and with spectrum analysis. [1865 70; SPECTRO + SCOPY] * * * Branch of analysis devoted to identifying… … Universalium